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RMC offers personalized training to support athletes of all levels who are pursuing various fitness goals. Packages can be tailored to meet trail and ultra-running, road running, hiking, or other endurance goals. Contact RMC for personalized recommendations. All coaching levels provide access to the full team support resources.
Detailed Coaching: customized training plan with weekly contact time with coach and pre-goal phone call. Ideal for a new race goal (PR, new distance, new terrain, etc.).
Intensive Coaching: same as above + weekly coaching call. Ideal for an athlete struggling with injury/health concerns or an athlete who prefers a high level of encouragement and accountability.
Consultations: contact for pricing
RMC offers stand-alone consultations for transition to trail running, hill running form, and pre-race day preparedness. Contact RMC for pricing specifics.
RMC athletes have access to promotions and discount codes for races, running-related products, and merchandise, as well as early access to register for RMC events (run camps, workshops, etc.).